I'm Shruti!
a student software developer
Hey! You’ve found me!
It’s nice to meet you, my name is Shruti Mistry. I am a fourth year Computer Science student specializing in Software Engineering at the University of Toronto.
Software Engineering is constantly changing and evolving, I aim to create, innovate and learn new skills to ensure all new technologies are more effective than the last.
I know there’s more space for me to grow, learn and a place for me to solve fun and exciting problems that are yet to come.
Currently, living in Toronto, Canada, I love spending my free time reading Harry Potter for the thousandth time, going for a run whenever I can, skating, and coding in darkmode so it gives me a real hacker vibe ;)
Profesional Skills
My skills asset and expertise level for the following skill.
Work Experience
Oracle - Software Developer Intern
May 2020 - August 2020 | Toronto,
- Developed a new feature that adds a Content Security Policy Header to all landing pages within the Eloqua Marketing Cloud. Utilized MVC, C#, MySQL and JavaScript.
- Refactored Email Processor Service to utilize MimeKit library which resulted in 40% increased efficiency and accuracy than the old library, AE.Mail.Net.
Oracle - DevOps Intern
May 2019 - April 2019 | Toronto, ON
- Written sensu script with 90% accuracy to monitor Oracle servers, services and application health. Utilized chef and monitored over 100+ nodes of Windows, Linux, Kubernetes.
- Developed a Web App with 2 other coworkers that includes all dashboards displaying the data of VMs, Pods, DBs and their current status using Ruby, Angular JS, Jira API, MySql.
- Increased productivity by 20% by automating the process of Jira Deployment Tickets creation using Jira API and Java .
Tidal Migrations - API Developer Intern
January 2018 - August 2018 | Toronto, ON
- Designed responsive and creative web pages using HTML5, CSS, Foundation, BootStrap, JavaScript and Jekyll.
- Fixed bugs for Tidal Web Api using Ruby on Rails which filled a quality gap and received customer satisfaction from 4 clients. Built various REST API-endpoints for the users to access their data.
- Designed an automated changelog process using Node.js, shell scripting, and Git integration to improve accountability and establish an audit trail.
- Presented a tech webinar about improving internal API documentation practices with Postman and Swagger.
The Buxfer application is a command line application written in C that manages multiple groups, and each group member’s transactions i.e the expenses paid by users. For example, any friend group can utilize this tool to keep track of the transactions between the friends i.e which friend owes who etc. It uses a linked list data structure to store users, groups and transactions.
Immigration Analytics
Java, JavaFx, Maven, NoSql Database
I worked with 4 other classmates in creating this application. Immigration Analytics is a Java application created for the TEQ non-profit organization so that they can easily manage immigrants’ data and generate reports through this application. It allows the TEQ employee to create/revoke accounts for the agencies, add/modify/delete new templates for the agencies to fill out their data, generate specific pdf reports for the data of the immigrants according to their specified requirements.
Looking for Fall 2021 opportunities!
Currently seeking full-time New Grad opportunities in software engineering and back-end/full-stack developement. Available for remote positions or inperson within North America.